Friday, 30 November 2012

Protective Coatings

Protective coatings refer to many chemicals and material that are used to protect the concrete structure from being eroded through chemical reaction of water, brine or any other. Concrete structures are generally regarded as tough and resilient material that can stand by high degree of erosion and weathering. However the fundamental problem that weakens the resilience and durability of concrete is the pores that are present in the structure of concrete. These pores make concrete liable to chemical weathering through water and other chemicals. If the foundation of any concrete structure is exposed to water for long, it can produce disastrous effects for the strength and life of structure; making entire structure liable to collapse. 

In order to overcome such destructive atrocity, protective coatings are widely used in construction industry to protect concrete structure from water. There are different protective coatings that are available in market which can be used in accordance to the level of deterioration that has occurred. Many times a fusion of these protective coatings are used by constructor to make sure the durability and strength of concrete is restored and the structure is never liable to collapse.  

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Fire Stop

Commercial high rise buildings are the hub of all economic and financial activities in any country. The number of high rise commercial buildings shows the strength and firmness of economy of any country. That is primarily the reason why any commercial skyscraper is constructed with extreme care and precision without taking any chances for possible danger. 

There are many possible threat to any high rise structure, including cracks, foundation leaks, or fire. As far as the potential threat is concerned, fire poses the maximum threat to any high structure as it is really difficult to escape in case of any fire alarm. There are many fire stop plans that architecture and constructors plan in order to stop the fire from spreading in case it is extinguished. The material used in construction of high rise structures is often fire resilient and enough to fire stop by itself. However certain cracks and opening in walls can bring massive adversity to structure and it can limit the fire stop capability of structure. Therefore it is important to seal any possible crack or opening in the structure so as to make sure you have comprehensive fire stop system in your commercial skyscraper and that it stands as a symbol of economic and financial strength and stability of the country.

Monday, 26 November 2012

FM Contractors

Concrete structure is considered as one of the most durable and resilient structure. The main reason behind this believing is the strength of concrete that has unparalleled strength and durability. However, there are some issues and restraints that are faced by concrete structure specially the foundation of the structure. The concrete structure is quite liable to chemical weathering owing to water, brine and other chemicals. Undergoing weathering, the structure becomes exposed to collapse if not properly treated by recognized and experienced FM contractor. Concrete repair is considered as a highly technical work that requires extensive experience and highly motivated and skilled labor. This is the prime reason that many owners of commercial structure prefer to hire services of most renowned and highly qualified FM contractors that can handle the task and make sure that the lost strength and resilience of the concrete structure is restored.

An easy way to look for an efficient and recognized concrete repair contractor is to look at their sites and give thorough research to all the past reviews and certifications of contractors. FM contractors are often the highest skilled contractors with massive knowledge and ability to handle any deteriorated structure efficiently and professionally.

Monday, 12 November 2012


Commercial building structures are generally made robust and strong enough to stand against all the weathering and erosional agents. However like any other building structure, commercial buildings are also liable to different levels of erosion and weathering. The prime material that is liable to erosion is obviously concrete that is being used extensively as building material worldwide. Although very robust and rigid material, concrete has its own limitations and with the action of water, saline water and certain acids, the inner fabrication of concrete get disturbed and is liable to interiors cracking. Such cracking can occur at any place of building structure; from foundation to interior walls. Moreover, areas with constant heavy rainfall are more likely to get their building’s interiors cracked quickly as the rain water tends to erode concrete and other stuff. To overcome such liabilities, there are many water and acid resistant material also known as “coatings” available in market that can help save the interior structure of concrete hence minimizing the effects of erosion. Such coatings generally are water resilient and make a protective coating at the inner structure of concrete making it water proof. By the application of such coatings at the foundation and even interior cracks, one can certainly make sure that any commercial structure is saved from all sorts of deteriorating effects for a long span of time.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Epoxy coatings

Concrete often considered as the most reliable and durable material for any construction purpose has its own limitations and drawbacks. The most common and fatal limitation of concrete as a construction material is hidden in its structure i-e the interstial pores present in the basic structure of concrete. Moreover, the interconnection of these pores made concrete structure permeable and liable towards chemical attacks. 

Even though a resilient material, concrete structures often undergo severe corrosion and cracking via actions of water and different chemicals such and sodium chloride. These cracks and opening has to be filled in quickly in order to save structure from further detoriation and corrosion. Different sealants are used to fill in the pore spaces in the concrete structure. These sealants act as an isolating medium, forming a layer on the boundary of concrete preventing its pores to be attacked by different chemicals. Epoxy coatings are one of the many sealants that are used for isolation and remedial material for any concrete structure that has undergone severe corrosion. Epoxy coating is considered as the most vigilant and resistant coating that forms a coating at the outer boundary of concrete preventing it from any further attacks of water or other chemicals.