Modern construction companies follow strict guidelines for the safety and
durability of any building. There are strict codes of conduct that have to be
followed by every construction firm in order to maintain its construction
license. These codes of conduct are even stricter for massive sky scrapper and
business plazas. These plazas and sky scrapers are so massive that any slightest
of flaw or loop hole can cost million of rupees and thousands of lives which is
why these structures are formed with ultra care and extensive consideration. One
of the biggest issues that these buildings have to face is the constant threat
of fire exhaustion. As these structures are so massive that any fire exhaustion
can create massive panic which can consume hundreds of life, therefore
fire-stop systems in such buildings is done with extreme care and thoughtfulness.
Concrete is the most common material that is used in the construction of
most mega projects. Concrete is considered as a fire proof material and
completely safe from any fire damage. Moreover, concrete is also considered as
fire stop material that can stop fire from spreading. However, the micro concrete analysis can show that any holes or cracks in concrete structure can
result in weakening the fire resistance of concrete and that the fire can
spread out in no time from these openings and cracks. Keeping this dangerous
situation in sight, all massive concrete structures are constantly looked for
any possible openings or holes that can aid in the spreading of fire. These
micro-concrete holes serve as the gateway for fire spreading and therefore
needs to be shut immediately in order to prevent any catastrophic event. Fire
stop companies made use of different fire resistant material to fill in any
openings in the walls or floors of the buildings in order to make building safe
from fire.
These companies are proficient in their search and work delicately for
the fire stop safety of the structure. No matter how small the cracks or
openings in your building structure may be, they are lethal openings for the
fire to spread and you need to shut them down immediately.
very nice crack repair post and the pictures are really nice as it shown how to do it and explains well. thanks a million for this post